We are very excited that
Second Chance Greyhounds is featured as one of the pet-prison programs in the March issue of
Dog Fancy magazine! The article is entitled "Dogs Behind Bars". Unfortunately, greyhounds were not photographically represented in the magazine itself; however, they included a link to their website for a slide show of additional images at the end of the article.
I was so ecstatic when I saw that of the 5 or so photos I had sent of various Second Chance Greyhounds, my Cody's photo was the one selected for inclusion!
View the slide show here.
On a side note, Cody is doing wonderfully with his clicker training practice this week. He's already got the "touch an object with his nose" down pat, so I moved onto the "make a funny noise so he'll look at me" exercise. I'm looking forward to the class tomorrow to see what comes next! =) Unfortunately, he has also discovered squirrells and his love for chasing them. I now have to go on squirrell patrol before letting him out because he tried to jump our 6ft fence to get to one that was taunting him from a tree. :-/

My husband is on the mend and is needing pain meds less often, so I'm very happy about that. He got a walking boot (but can't walk on it yet) earlier this week and another x-ray that said everything looks good and is back in place. The xray is
wicked looking with all that hardware and you can even see the staples for the incisions...it ended up being 9 screws total plus a plate.
Glad to hear you 2 are enjoying the clicker training!